packages = ['numpy', 'matplotlib']
import numpy as np from pyodide.ffi import create_proxy, to_js nb_max_iterations_line_search = 40 alphas = 10.**np.linspace(0., -6., nb_max_iterations_line_search) def solve_SPG_nD(q0, fun, jac, constraint_fun=None, grad_constraint_fun=None, lmb=None, gamma=None, project=None, m=10, max_iter=100, tol=1e-6, tol_obj=1e-5, iterative=False, convergence_plot=None, verbose=0): """ Solves min_q fun(q) s.t. constraint_fun(q) = 0. Parameters ---------- q0 : initial point fun : objective function ( R^q -> R) jac : gradient of the objective function ( R^q -> R^q) constraint_fun : scalar constraint function ( R^q -> R^p) grad_constraint_fun : gradient of the scalar constraint function ( R^q -> R^{q*p}) gamma : (optional, default=1.0) Initial spectral gradient step size m : (optional, default=10) number of previous iterations to take into account in the nonmonotone line search max_iter: maximum number of iterations tol : tolerance threshold for the constraint function verbose : True if you want to see results Returns ------- q_opt : result """ # lmb: Lagrange multiplier gamma_min = 1e-10 gamma_max = 1e10 qk = q0.copy() nb_dim = q0.shape[0] cons_k = constraint_fun(qk) grad_cons_k = grad_constraint_fun(qk) # Linearize the constraint -> = b a = grad_cons_k b = - cons_k aaT_inv = np.linalg.pinv( a_pinv = a_null = np.eye(nb_dim) - fk = fun(qk) dfk = jac(qk) # Choose lambda and gamma, this strategy seems to be the best lmb_max = 1e2 if lmb is None: dfk_norm = np.linalg.norm(dfk, ord=2) if dfk_norm == 0.: lmb = np.ones(cons_k.shape[0]) * lmb_max else: lmb = np.linalg.norm(grad_cons_k, ord=2, axis=-1) / dfk_norm lmb = np.clip(lmb, -lmb_max,lmb_max) if gamma is None: s_ = - gamma_min * dfk dfk_ = jac(qk + s_) y_ = dfk_ - dfk #+ (grad_constraint_fun(qk+s_) + grad_cons_k) sTy = if sTy > 0: gamma = np.clip(, gamma_min, gamma_max) else: gamma = 1. cost = fk + if verbose: print("Iteration {:>3}: | Objective: ".format( 0) + f"{fk:.3e}" + " | Max constraint: " + f"{np.max(cons_k):.3e}" + " | Max lmb: " + f"{np.max(lmb):.2e}"+" | Gamma: " + f"{gamma:.2e}") cost_log = [cost] if convergence_plot: q_log = [qk] # print(lmb) for i in range(max_iter): # Gradient step to find a direction q0_ = qk - gamma * (dfk + if project: a_pinv_b = p1 = lambda x: a_pinv_b + if not type(project) == list: qk_ = project_dykstra([p1, project], q0_, max_iter=10) else: qk_ = project_dykstra([p1]+ project, q0_, max_iter=10) dk = qk_ - qk else: dk = + - qk # search direction # Check convergence: if the norm of the search direction is small, it converged norm_dk = np.linalg.norm(dk) if norm_dk < 1e-8 and i>0: if verbose: print("[Search direction] Converged at iteration", i, "with a constraint value of", "{:2e}".format(np.max(cons_k_)), "and objective value of", "{:2e}".format(fk)) break # Line search ls_success = False tmp = (dfk + for alpha in alphas: qk_ = qk + alpha * dk cons_k_ = constraint_fun(qk_) fk_ = fun(qk_) g_ = fk_ + np.abs(cons_k_).dot(lmb) if g_ < np.max(cost_log[-m:]) + 1e-4 * alpha * tmp : ls_success = True break # Check if line search failed # Still accept the step (later change it to accept only small changes in the objective in later iterations # at the first iteration, it is okay if line search fails, just take one step with alpha=1) if not ls_success: if verbose: print("Failed") alpha = 1e0 qk_ = qk + alpha * dk cons_k_ = constraint_fun(qk_) fk_ = fun(qk_) g_ = fk_ + np.abs(cons_k_).dot(lmb) # Check convergence if np.abs(g_ - cost) < tol_obj and np.max(cons_k_) <= tol: if verbose: print("[Tolerance] Converged at iteration", i, "with a constraint value of", "{:2e}".format(np.max(cons_k_)), "and objective value of", "{:2e}".format(fk)) break # if not converged yet: else: cost = g_.copy() cost_log += [cost] qk_prev = qk.copy() qk = qk_.copy() if convergence_plot: q_log += [qk] sk = qk - qk_prev cons_k = cons_k_ grad_cons_k_prev = a.copy() grad_cons_k = grad_constraint_fun(qk) fk = fk_.copy() dfk_prev = dfk.copy() dfk = jac(qk) # Linearize the constraint -> = b a = grad_cons_k b = - cons_k aaT_inv = np.linalg.pinv( a_pinv = a_null = np.eye(nb_dim) - # # Find the Lagrange multiplier lmb = * gamma * alpha- # lmb = -*alpha*gamma)/(alpha*gamma) # dl =*dfk) + b) # lmb = lmb + alpha * dl # Find the spectral step size yk = dfk - dfk_prev + (grad_cons_k - grad_cons_k_prev) skTyk = if skTyk <= 0: gamma = gamma # gamma = 1e-2 else: spectral_param = / skTyk gamma = np.clip(spectral_param, gamma_min, gamma_max) if verbose: print("Iteration {:>3}: | Objective: ".format( i+1) + f"{fk:.3e}" + " | Max constraint: " + f"{np.max(cons_k_):.3e}" + " | Max lmb: " + f"{np.max(lmb):.2e}"+" | Gamma: " + f"{gamma:.2e}") # if verbose: print("Iteration", i, " ", "{:2e}".format(np.max(cons_k_)), '{:2e}'.format(fk), np.max(lmb), gamma) if iterative: return qk, lmb else: if convergence_plot: return qk,np.stack(q_log) else: return qk K = 100 def objective_function(x): # Rosenbrock function x1 = x[0] x2 = x[1] return K*(x2-x1**2)**2 + (1-x1)**2 def gradient_objective_function(x): x1 = x[0] x2 = x[1] df1 = -K*4*x1*(x2-x1**2) - 2*(1-x1) df2 = K*2*(x2-x1**2) return np.array([df1, df2])
def constraint_fun(x): x1 = x[0] x2 = x[1] con = x1**2 + x2**2 - 2 return np.array([(con > 0.)*con]) def grad_constraint_fun(x): x1 = x[0] x2 = x[1] con = x1**2 + x2**2 - 2 dcon = np.array([2*x1, 2*x2])*(con > 0.) return dcon[None] x0 = np.array([-1., -1.])



Constraint norm

import numpy as np from js import document from pyodide.ffi import create_proxy, to_js sol_log = document.querySelector('#solution') obj_log = document.querySelector('#objective') con_log = document.querySelector('#constraint') def on_add_click(e): x = solve_SPG_nD(x0, objective_function, gradient_objective_function, constraint_fun, grad_constraint_fun, m=5, tol_obj=1e-15, verbose=0) sol_log.innerText = "Solution is: " + str(x) obj_log.innerText = "Objective is: " + str(objective_function(x)) con_log.innerText = "Constraint norm is: " + str(np.linalg.norm(constraint_fun(x))) button = document.querySelector("#solve-button") button.addEventListener("click", create_proxy(on_add_click))